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A Poem - The Bridge of Rainbows

Annotation 2020-08-30 090600.jpg

Near the woods end, at the base of the hill

There is a green, lush meadow wherein time is still

Where friends of women and man do run,

After their lives on this Earth are done

It is here, betwixt our world and a next,

Where every beloved created can find rest.

In this wonderful land, while waiting they play,

Until they cross the Bridge of Rainbows, one day

They suffer no  more, from pain nor sadness,

For they are complete here, hearts full of gladness.

With their limbs restored, and health renewed,

With their bodies healed, with joy imbued.

Frolicking in the grass, not a single care,

And then one day a stop, and a sniff in the air.

Ears pricking forward, eyes darting to the front and the back,

When just so sudden a single one breaks away from the pack.

It is in that instant that their eyes met,

They are together again, the person and the pet.

Running towards one another, these good friends of past,

Their time away from each other, ending at last.

Their deep sadness from being apart,

Just turned to joy so deep in the heart.

Embracing with such love that lasts forever,

They cross the bridge, side by side, together.

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